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September 5, 2022 | Around the NASRCC

Labor Day 2022

Sisters and Brothers:

Happy Labor Day!

This holiday weekend is one for us to celebrate the efforts of rank-and-file workers who drive our economy. We also recognize and celebrate workplace standards and the previous generations who helped establish them. Unions like ours have played a crucial role in helping provide a level of fairness and prosperity in the face of economic power.

We must always fight to protect and increase economic and social justice. Basic labor rights that we take for granted–like overtime, safety regulations union rights, prevailing wage and more–are being challenged on worksites, in legislatures and in courtrooms.

The good news is that in the last few years, support for unions has increased in response to economic inequality. The groundswell of worker organizing–at companies like Starbucks, Amazon and so many others–is in some ways long overdue.

Polling also shows public support for issues important to us, such as fighting wage theft and payroll fraud and making sure public investments in construction go to responsible development.

When it comes to unions and the construction industry, we’ve also seen an increase in support from the federal government. A union member, former Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, is the secretary of labor and travelled the country exhaustively, advocating for fairness and opportunity for American workers. There has also been a significant commitment made to job-creating, economy-stimulating infrastructure investment.

On the job, there is nobody more qualified and productive than a member of the UBC. We strive to reach that same standard as a union representing your interests. We focus on our vision and priorities and remember that we must become more of a union that represents both union and nonunion workers and eliminates all barriers, especially those based in race or gender.

Thank you for your membership in our union and your dedication to each other.

In solidarity,

Joe Byrne