Derek Adamiec
Business Representative
Local 330

A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
Local 327
As the top elected leader in the region, Byrne leads a diverse, progressive, and sophisticated union that has developed to play an important role at the center of the construction industry. He is a leader that believes in mutually beneficial partnerships and the honest, hard work that makes them succeed.
He continues the work of modernizing union operations led by UBC General President Doug McCarron and UBC General Officer Tom Flynn, who proceeded him in his role. He has focused on increasing both inward and outward transparency and creating a culture of responsiveness to the needs of both union members and the union’s employer-partners.
A native of Boston, he is a graduate of the carpenters apprenticeship program and while working in the field earned a construction management degree from Wentworth Institute of Technology through a joint program between the union and the university.
Local 279
Bill is a proven leader who has not only demonstrated the ability to manage through internal and external change, but to maintaining team focus and operational effectiveness throughout.
In addition to serving on the senior management team for the council and a member of the executive board, Bill oversees the operations of five team rooms serving the local unions in New York, from Long Island to Plattsburgh to Buffalo. Since the current seven-state structure was created in 2018, he has been instrumental to the development of consistency in operations and policies throughout the council related to members, contractors, and benefit funds.
Local 327
Steve brings a diverse set of skills and experience to the NASRCC leadership team. He was raised in Boston as the son of a leader of the Sheetmetal Workers before starting his apprenticeship and career as a union carpenter. After a number of years in the field, he went to work for the Office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts, working in the Fair Labor Standards Division.
Always active in politics, Joyce returned to the union to work on political action, eventually becoming the regional council’s political and legislative director for New England. For a number of years, he has been the executive director of the Carpenters Labor-Management Program and is now also the director of contractor relations. In both of these positions, he is a leading voice for the union’s efforts to develop and deepen relationships between the union and its contractor-partners.
Joe is a driven advocate for union members and brings with him more than 30 years of experience in issue advocacy, government leadership and as a policy adviser. He is a former school committee member, city councilor and mayor of Worcester and also worked as a District Director for Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern. Joe has advised or led more than 40 local, state, and federal candidates’ campaigns, with highlights including the campaigns of former Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Tim Murray and California Congressman Juan Congressman.
Joe also has extensive experience in community organizing/advocacy work and prior to coming to the Carpenters, he served as the Executive Director of the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund. He also spent 20 years working part-time as an EMS Paramedic and is currently an adjunct faculty member at Clark University and a founder of the school’s Senior Leadership MPA program.
North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund
Tom has been a builder and leader his entire career. Whether leading crews in the field, as an instructor for union apprentice training and as an instructor and administrator for a public high school vocational program, his legacy is the quality work and maturity of those he has both taught and mentored.
As the leader of the NASCTF, Fischer oversees 15 training facilities and more than 120 part-time and full-time instructors. Training includes 4/5-year apprenticeships, skills enhancement for journey-level members and specialty certification programs. He implements curriculum developed by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and also creates specialty, “on-demand” programs in partnership with signatory contractors.