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February 14, 2024 | Training

Education Continues For Bella

Education doesn’t stop when you finish your apprenticeship or even move up the ranks of the industry. That was demonstrated again recently when Local 327 member Dave Bella finished up a Harvard Business School program.

Bella said the 9-week, 75-hour Management Essentials will allow him to “enhance my management style and make a positive impact on the Custom Installation Division” and that he’s already going back for a program on organizational leadership. He says that seeking out training is something that he’s always done. He joined the union as an apprentice more than nine years ago after earning a business degree and just kept going.

“I have taken every class and seminar that the Building Trades Employers Association offers. I have a debt of gratitude for all the BTEA does with extended education as well as recovery in the trades. I just attended an improving field communication seminar.”

Asked why he continues he says: “To grow, to learn, and to do my best teaching the next generation of members. I have come to find out this industry is not easy path, you need to be self-motivated, and I need all the help I can get.”