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August 16, 2021 | Political Action

Carpenters Supporting Crucial Infrastructure Bill in DC

Last week, the United States Senate passed a bi-partisan infrastructure bill that would create millions of jobs for Americans and thousands of jobs for union carpenters. UBC General President McCarron has called it the “largest investment in our nation’s infrastructure in a century and said it “isn’t just an investment in our roads and bridges. This is an investment in the American union workers who build them.”

The White House has created easy-to-read, state-by-state breakdowns of job-creating funding included in the bill.

All of the Senators representing the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters voted in favor of this bill and it now moves on to the United States House of Representatives. It must pass there before it can be signed into law by President Joe Biden.

While the union expects most of our Representatives to support his bill, we can’t take any chances. This week, the union will be asking members to weigh in with their members of Congress to let us know what they think and where they stand. Check your email for information and be sure your voice is heard. Together, we can amplify our voices and have our concerns heard.